Flourishing Families (Formerly PPW)
Support for women and their families with substance use disorders.
The Flourishing Families program at Coastal Horizons provides substance use treatment to women. Women who are currently pregnant or have children 17 and younger may participate in treatment. Any family member or other support can also receive services through Flourishing Families.
Flourishing Families is gender responsive and family inclusive, and provides individual, group, and family counseling services. In addition, the program offers case management and peer support services. The program also offers options for family support groups, parenting education, childcare, and transportation assistance, in addition to other resources and support for participants. Psychiatric medication evaluation and management, as well as medication assisted treatment options are available.
Our Services
Our Pregnant and Postpartum Women’s services promote recovery and support healthy families. They include:
- Individual Therapy for children and adults
- Group Therapy
- Includes parenting, womens recovery, mens recovery, and trauma groups
- Substance Use Counseling
- Mental Health Counseling
- Family Therapy
- Peer Support Services
- Crisis Management
- Case Management
- Medication Assisted Treatment
- Psychiatric Services
For a more comprehensive look at our services, please download our flyer.
Referral Information
Our office is located at 110 Premier Plaza in Whiteville, NC. Referrals may be made by calling our office 910-207-6975, or via Fax at 910-207-6907. Hablamos Español!
Our Program Coordinator can be reached at 910-524-3792.
Supported by the NC Division of MH/DD/SAS through funding from SAMHSA Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act of 2016 Pilot Program for Treatment for Pregnant & Postpartum Women. CDFA# 93.243 In accordance with 45 CFR 96.131 Treatment Services for Pregnant Women of the Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment Block Grant, pregnant women are given preference in admission to this program/facility. Priority admission is as follows: (1) Pregnant women using substances intravenously, (2) Pregnant women with substance use disorder, (3) Women using substances intravenously, (4) All others.