Child First
Child First is a nationally recognized, evidenced-based, infant and young child mental health treatment and prevention program that uses a stress and trauma focused approach to support the highest risk families. Child First decreases stress within the home, increases child and family stability, facilitates the child and family’s connection to growth-promoting services and community resources, and supports the development of healthy, nurturing, protective relationships between children and their caregivers. Services are conducted in the home setting with the child, parents, and/or other primary caregivers.
Any child from birth to five-and-a-half years, who has challenges related to their emotional, social, and/or physical development, may be referred to the Child First program. Children are also eligible for services if they have been exposed to a traumatic event(s), caregivers with mental illness, substance use, domestic violence, chronic poverty, incarceration, separation from primary caregivers, or other risk factors that would create chronic, toxic stress for the child and/or family.
Coastal Horizons Center will work with you to determine if Child First is the best fit for you and your family. We can also link to other services and resources to make sure your family receives the best care possible.
For more information, please email us at [email protected].