H.U.D. Horizons Housing
Making a positive impact on homelessness in our region.
Horizons Housing is a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded program, which provides permanent supportive housing to individuals or families referred through the Coordinated Entry System of Cape Fear Homeless Continuum of Care (CFHCOC).
The Cape Fear Homeless Continuum of Care (CFHCOC) is the Cape Fear Area’s HUD-approved homeless Continuum of Care (NC-506), encompassing Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender Counties. The Continuum of Care (CoC) is a community-wide alliance of service providers, local governments, healthcare agencies, and other community stakeholders whose common goal is the reduction and ultimate elimination of homelessness in the Cape Fear Region.
Individuals and families facing homelessness must first complete a housing needs assessment by calling the coordinated entry phone line: 910-444-0621.
HUD Horizons Housing (HHH) Program utilizes a scattered site model to provide tenant-based rental assistance for those who have experienced chronic homelessness and have a disability diagnosis. Case management services are provided to the housing participants on an individual and group basis.
We continue to work to reduce barriers and expand access to provide permanent supportive housing to individuals and families with behavioral health and substance use disorders who are struggling with chronic homelessness.