concerned qrt

Quick Response Team

Do you know of anyone who has overdosed?
Have you wanted to help them?

The Quick Response Team (QRT) was started in of 2018 as a response to our community's overdose epidemic to work with Community Paramedics and other community agencies to reduce the number of overdoses in the Wilmington area.  QRT consists of Peer Support Specialists and Licensed Therapists to remove barriers to treatment for overdose survivors. QRT met with 525 overdose survivors and their loved ones over the first 3 years, and connected 485 individuals to treatment. The team provides outreach to at-risk populations and is actively training different members of the community to increase referrals for assistance.

  • Help loved ones get into treatment!
  • Get the help you or someone you know may need!
  • We will even come to you!

Interested?  Questions?  Call 910-833-2052

Figure 1. Number of overdose deaths involving opioids in North Carolina, by opioid category. Drug categories presented are not mutually exclusive, and deaths might have involved more than one substance. Source: CDC WONDER.
Figure 2. North Carolina rate of overdose deaths involving prescription opioids and the opioid prescribing rate. Source: CDC and CDC WONDER.

Funded by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety OPIOIDPRJ2017-2019